How To Buy on – Full Shopping Guide 2020

Today I’m going to look at online shopping in China with Let’s check it out.

One of the biggest online retailers is Unlike Taobao where you have many people setting up their own shop with a couple of verified users and official accounts thrown in there mostly on the team or section. is wholly verified sellers. So generally is considered a quite trusted online retailer in China.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

Now, the actual website is all in Chinese, but there are pictures that you can use to kind of navigate around. But what I’d actually recommend is to use a browser that’s got an inbuilt translation feature like Google Chrome and then you can have all the text apart from the text in pictures which it can translate, but it will have all the text, that’s actually on the website translated into English. So let’s switch over to Google Chrome and the translated page. And there you go.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

Because the categories are in simple characters, there’s nothing much there you’re not like reading a novel anything like that the computers are able to really pick up. And actually correctly translate a lot of the Chinese on the website.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store is used by many people here. Chinese people like for electronics it’s quite well known for people buying electronics on their. So what I’m going to do is have a look, for example, buying a laptop.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

So you can look for all the different brands, Chinese brands, foreign brands. Generally, foreign brands will actually be a little bit more expensive and all the sort of requirements and specifications that you one of your computer. And then you can look through.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

What I like about is that it gives you so much information about the actual products that they reselling like everything that you can imagine they’ll cover. So you’ve got a complete idea of what it looks like, how it’s going to operate, etc.

And I find a lot of things on here as well and in many Chinese stores, is you get so many options for how you want to customize your products, and I find that much more different to the West, where I generally have more a limited selection. Here is you know do you want, to put this in you want, to plug that in you want, to expand your memory do you want, to add this blah blah blah.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

So I think that’s a great idea but you can be a little overwhelming. But once you kind of get the hang of it, it’s okay.

So once you’ve finished shopping at to your shopping cart you’re going to have to sign in. To sign in, you’re going to need a QQ account or WeChat account or a Chinese phone number, to be able to actually do that. You can purchase your items with WeChat pay, with Ali pay and with Union pay. That are all popular here in China.

You just have to make sure that you include your Chinese phone number for delivery along with your address in Chinese characters. If you’re not sure how to do that, check your mail and see if you can copy that over or get Chinese friend to help you.

Online Shopping Guide JDcom How to shop in this online store

Well, that’s all! I hope you enjoyed that article about and you found it informative. There is nothing complicated, but you need to have Chinese phone number and shipping address in China. You can use special delivery services, which provide the address of their warehouse in China.


Founder, CEO, Editor-in-Chief. I have been creating technology related websites and platforms since 2011. My main project right now is Deals Therapy. I want to help people save money, time and effort when buying electric bicycles, electric scooters, projectors, smartphones, robot vacuum cleaners and other products. I am fanatical about what I do because I believe I am doing a useful and necessary thing.

Deals Therapy
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